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[Tut] Unlock Account Bị FAQ Apps

- Gần đây trên Facebook có nhiều bạn account bị dính FAQ Apps! Nay mình Share Tut Unlock FAQ Apps này để các bạn mở khóa nhé!

- Điều kiện bạn phải có CMND chuẩn.
- Bước 1 : Fake IP (Vương Quốc Anh) xong rồi vào lại Facebook.
- Bước 2 : Đăng nhập nick bị FAQ APPS.
- Bước 3 :
 + Dùng Additional info: I think there is one mistake in the lock my account! Please help me to reconsider account. Thanks for read.
 + Dùng Additional info: I think there is one mistake in the lock my account! Please help me to reconsider account. Thanks for read.

Hello Facebook Team: That is my
This is of my identity card issued by the government, so please check it and unlock my account
Full name:
My ID in passport:
I think there is one mistake in the lock my account! Thanks for read.

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